Constantina Alexander
My love for traditional iconography is a direct result of my passion for biblical and mystical stories. My art seeks to invite viewers into these stories, to deepen their sense of spirituality and reverence, and to offer them a glimpse into what I find so captivating about these tales and mystical realms accessible through imagination.
In my art, I use egg tempera to capture the intricate details and complexity underlying specific, time honoured construction of holy icons.
I also enjoy experimenting with mixed media, oils, and etching to bring energetic and freely formed interpretations of inner spiritual experiences.
Media: Egg tempera and gilding, oil paints, mixed media, etching.
Specialism: Writing holy icons.
Exhibitions and Work:
2023 Commission: Icon of Archangel Raphael, Anglesey
Tutoring: 5-day icon workshop, Noddfa North Wales
Gift: Icon of Christ for Catholic priest, Liverpool
Tutoring: 1-day icon workshop for beginners, West Wales
Commission: Icon of St Francis and the Wolf of Gubbio, Devon
Commission: Icon of Archangel Michael, London
2022 Tutoring: 5-day icon workshop, Hilfield Friary
[2018-2023 Break: Studying for second degree in maths and physics]
2018 Commission: Our Lady of Guadelupe - large icon for St Philip and St James’s Catholic church Bedford
Writing: Extract of play about Daniel from the Apocrypha stories selected for publication by Wild Goose, Iona
Tutoring: Four workshops Taize, France for the 18-35 Youth Camp
Exhibiting: Two illustrations selected for the Subud 15th World Congress, Freiburg, Germany - The Tree of Life and World
2017 Commission: Archangel Raphael, Perth, Australia
Tutoring: Art and Space for children with autism in Brooklands, Milton Keynes
Presentation: Prizegiving Thomas Aquinas school - Theotokos prize
2016 Community: Engaged as artist for High Wycombe Museum
Community: Outreach for St. Michael's Priory – working with schools, fringe church.
Tutoring: Stewkley Church art and icon workshop
Tutoring: St. Michael’s Priory Advent Icon course – Nativity of Christ
Study: Canterbury - painting of St Alphege icon
Gift: Icon of young Christ for Monte Bre convent, Canterbury
Tutoring: Thomas Aquinas Catholic School: 6 half-day workshops on iconography - Mary Eleousa, for Yr. 5 groups
Tutoring: Private icon workshop
Exhibiting: Bucks Open Studios.
Tutoring: Art and icon experience workshop, Church Without Walls
2015 Competition: Finalist Apocalypse International Prize 4th place
Publication: Image of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman - unit reader, University of Notre Dame in Sydney Australia
Publication: Image of Jesus and the Samaritan Woman - Pamphlet on subject of baptism for the Gathering of the Ekklesia Project West Virginia
Publication: Articles published by Methodist Artserve Magazine
Commission: St Hugh of Lincoln, New York, Cathedral Seminary House of Formation
Commission: Archangel Michael - Large icon, St Michael’s Priory Milton Keynes - now in Durham
2014 Competition: Triptych submitted for The Apocalypse Prize International Competition - 2nd place
Commission: Icon of Saint John Paul II for Immaculate Heart of Mary, Great Missenden
Installation: Catholic Diocese of Arundel and Brighton, Jubilee year in Crawley, Sussex. Large composite of Christ the Word compiled by delegates
2013 Tutoring: Seven-week introductory course in icon painting - Buckland church, Aston Clinton
Installation: Backdrop of composite images created by delegates of Churches Together England conference - Christ of all Creation
Commission: Icon of The Suffering Servant
Commission: Icon of St. Hugh of Lincoln
Commission: Two Madonnas
Outreach: Talk to mother’s union at Church of the Good Shepherd, Aylesbury
Talk on St. Francis to Liberal Catholics, annual gathering, Camberley
Publication: Creation of picture book of icons, Constantina Icons
Gift: Croix Rousse for Bishop Chad, Harare, Zimbabwe
2012 Community: Artist in Residence at St. Mary’s, Aylesbury 2012-2014
Tutoring: Founded Icon school at St Mary’s, Aylesbury
Creative and therapeutic art workshops with Space, a charity for those with emotional and mental health problems
Exhibition: Curated exhibition of icons from school and work of students from Space.
Outreach: Talk on iconography for the Liberal Catholics in Camberley
Sabbatical: Six week sabbatical in Western Australia – included
Commission to paint a large icon for Bunbury Cathedral WA- St. Vision of Christ.
One week workshop on writing icons for beginners
One day workshop in Fremantle, Perth
Several public talks in Bunbury and Perth
Commission: Icon of St. Francis.
2011 Commission: Double commission for large Christ Pantocrator and Madonna Hodegetria for All Saints Church in Fulham.
2010 Commission: Icons - several Madonnas, Archangel Gabriel, Christ Pantocrator, double commission of Cardinal Newman
Commission: Icon of Samaritan Woman at the Well, for the Well at Willen, Milton Keynes
Exhibition: Sundays on Bayswater Road, London
2009 Sketching: Sketches of Revelation of St John for future icons.
Outreach: Working with MK Snap, teaching adults with learning disabilities, to gesso boards for iconographers
Commission: Two Byzantine festival icons - Anastasis for the Melkite church of St. Barnabas in Pimlico, London and one as a gift for the children at St. Mary’s in Weston Turville – Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem
Tutoring: Creative Lenten arts days at Weston Church, Herts.
Painting: Development of a series of oil paintings of biblical stories including the Life of Christ, the Vision of Ezekiel, Joshua Crossing into the Promised Land, Habbakuk and the Angel
2007 Exhibition: Curated two-week exhibition at Christ the Cornerstone, City Church in Milton Keynes - Creativity and Soul. 22 artists and poets from all over UK
Commission: Triptych of St. Rumbold for parish church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Buckingham. Exhibited in Mouvaux, France prior to placement in church
Exhibition: St. Martin’s in the Bullring, Birmingham and St. John the Baptist, Birmingham with Geraldine Wall
Tutoring: Two-week icon writing course, Weston Herts
One week icon writing course in Tackley, Oxfordshire
Weekend course in icons at Missenden Abbey
Quiet day for Deddington Deanery painting the Face of Christ at Offa House
Fan the Flame, organised by the Bishop of Horsham - taster sessions in icons for delegates
Icon retreat day at the Well at Willen
2006 Exhibition: Work in Taurus Gallery, Oxford
Outreach: Three-month artist residency at Bourton Meadow School, Buckingham
2006 Tutoring: Development of a new series of adult classes in Buckingham
Outreach: Artist in Residence at Missenden Abbey
Exhibition: What’s the Point of Art? Interfaith exhibition, Brighton - artist’s etchings
Exhibition: Transformation – exhibition Queen’s Park Centre, Aylesbury
Website: Construction of first website
Commission: Icons of Moses, The Holy Trinity and Jesus for priest of St. Saviour’s Church in Western Australia
Project: Production of Transformation Cards - self-help spiritual cards for reflection
2005 Outreach: Talks, demonstrations and practical sessions to several schools about art and iconography. How to? Skills in art for young people
2004 Exhibition: Selected works on show at cybercafé, Worthing
Printmaking: Development of a series of etchings based on the Ashkenazi Jewish stories of Eastern Europe and the Life of the Baal Shem Tov
Illustration: Australian poet Dr Don Reid, Perth Museum exhibition
2001-2004 Tutoring: Art for Beginners. Developed course for students from Lewes local community. Included drawing techniques; use of colour; composition; perspective; art history; mixed media; oils and pastels; Rapid Art History from the Ancient World to Renaissance; Learning from the Old Masters; Silverpoint; making tinted papers; the Sienese Painters .
2000-2003 Exhibition: Annual Artwave – Lewes Arts Festival. Open studios in artist’s studio Lewes High Street
1999 Exhibition: Open Doors – Exhibited Wedding Party at Lewes Subud Centre
1998 Exhibition: Worthing Library – a selection of exploratory oil paintings
From Fig Leaves to Furnaces: Compiled by Ruth Burgess
Extract from a short play written by the artist about Daniel and King Cyrus included in compilation
Published by Wild Goose, 2018
Constantina Icons: Picture book of works and commissions by the artist.
Artserve: Methodist Arts Magazine
Introducing Iconography - Issue 11 Summer 2015
Art and Prayer (and imagination!) - Issue 12 Winter 2015
The Colour of Prayer - Issue 14 Autumn 2106
Roots: Front page image of icon of the Trinity - June 2013
Africa: St Patrick’s Mission- inner front page Jesus and St Francis
icon - June 2013
Mensa Magazine: The Centre Pages - article on icons - June 2010
Open Door: Open College of the Arts - Blackbird - Winter 2006
Priests bless icons of two new papal saints Catholic Herald May 2014
South Western Times, Bunbury Western Australia:
Artist visits to create and icon for an icon August 2012
Prayerful art produces icon for cathedral September 2012
Icons in Aylesbury The Door November 2011
Artist explores inner world Sussex Express August 11th 2000
Radio Broadcast: Faith Features
‘Praying in colour,’ report by Ian Pearce BBC Beds August 2008
Live Stream:
Taize, France – on 18-35 Youth Workshops of lectures and workshops
August 2018
Presentations and lectures
Public Lecture “Icon writing - are icons relevant today?” 28th September 2012
St. John’s Anglican Church, Fremantle, WA
“The spiritual nature of Icons” 25th August 2012
St Boniface’s Cathedral, Bunbury, WA
“Icons, physics, cosmos and light.”
Taize, France - 4 lectures with workshop for young people 19-26th August 2018